Keywords: 1844 Spruneri Map of Asia in the 15th and 16th Centuries (Ming China) - Geographicus - AsiaXVXVI-spruneri-1855.jpg This fascinating hand colored map depicts Asia in the 15th and 16th centuries This period roughly corresponds to the Ming Dyansty in China the incursions of Persia and Portugal in India and the beginning of the Russian Expansion The Timur dynasty ruled Persia Singapur Singapor is labeled All text is in German Issued in the 1870 edition of Stieler ™s Hand Atlas 1844 Size in 17 14 object history credit line accession number AsiaXVXVI-spruneri-1855 Geographicus-source PD-old-100 1844 maps Old maps of Asia Maps in German Karl Spruner von Merz Maps showing history of Asia Old maps showing history Maps showing 15th-century history Maps showing 16th-century history |