Keywords: 1852 Colton's Map of the World on Mercator's Projection ( Pocket Map ) - Geographicus - World-colton-1852.jpg A rare and extremely attractive folding map of the world by J H Colton This map comprising the entire world was prepared by Colton in 1852 for issue in J H Miller publication in the 1855 edition of Blake ™s Volume of the World ¦ In preparing this map Colton reduced and embellished his important 1848 wall map of the World Centered on America map depicts the whole of the known world in 1855 Shows Antarctica only partially Illustrates the routes traveled by important explorers including Cook Vancouver Perouse the U S Ship Vincennes and others Decorated with eight engravings of sailing and steam ships Surrounded by an elaborate decorative floral motif border 1855 dated Size in 27 5 19 5 object history credit line accession number World-colton-1852 Blake W pseud Thomas H Prescott <i>The volume of the world embracing the geography history and statistics of the nations of the earth ¦</i> 1855 edition Geographicus-source PD-old-100 1855 maps 1850s maps of the world Maps showing 19th-century history Political maps of the world Maps of voyages Ships on maps Maps with Mercator projection Global maps centered 120W English language maps of Earth Thomas Hutchins |