Keywords: 1855 Colton Map of Wisconsin - Geographicus - Wisconsin-colton-1855.jpg A beautiful 1855 first edition example of Colton's map of Wisconsin Covers the entire state as well as adjacent parts of Minnesota and upper Michigan Like most of Colton's state maps this map is largely derived from an earlier wall map of North America produced by Colton and D Griffing Johnson Colton identifies various cities towns forts rivers rapids fords and an assortment of additional topographical details Map is hand colored in pink green yellow and blue pastels to define county and state boundaries Surrounded by Colton's typical spiral motif border Dated and copyrighted to J H Colton 1855 Published from Colton's 172 William Street Office in New York City Issued as page no 48 in volume 1 of the first edition of George Washington Colton's 1855 Atlas of the World 1855 dated Size in 13 16 object history credit line accession number Wisconsin-colton-1855 Colton G W <i>Colton's Atlas of the World Illustrating Physical and Political Geography</i> Vol 1 New York 1855 First Edition Geographicus-source PD-old-100 Maps by Joseph Hutchins Colton Old maps of Wisconsin 1855 maps |