Keywords: Accountancy clay envelope Louvre Sb1932.jpg Globular envelope with a cluster of accounting tokens Clay Uruk period From the Tell of the Acropolis in Susa Bulle-enveloppe et ses jetons de comptabilité Terre cuite période d'Uruk Provenance tell de l'Acropole à Suse Uruk clay Institution Louvre object department Near Eastern antiquities room ID 109 17360 object history credit line ProvenanceEvent excavated Roland de Mecquenem 1933-1939 Susa accession number Sb 1932 own photo date 2009 User Jastrow/cc-by-2 5 artwork license PD-old-100 photo license Cc-by-2 5 other versions Susa Ancient accounting records Uruk Period Clay archaeological objects Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 7 Proto-Elamite art |