Keywords: Agostino Brunias - West Indian Scene - Google Art Project.jpg ~ 1795 1730 1730 Agostino 6724151 Brunias 1730 - 1730 /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/artwork/west-indian-scene-agostino-brunias/6701864/ 101766 Agostino Brunias /artist/agostino-brunias/6847111/ 6847111 /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/ Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum 3644669 http //www cooperhewitt org/ 3/11/2012 5 54 36 PM /collection/cooper-hewitt-national-design-museum/artwork/west-indian-scene-agostino-brunias/6701864/ 1790 ca 1795 Gouache paint on canvas on tin verre fixeé ivory backing glass gilded metal The possible provenance of the buttons may be sketched out as follows given by Toussaint L'Ouverture upon his return to France from /Haiti and Santo Domingo to servant boy c 1802; eventually acquired by boy's heirs in the Sedan; acquired from heirs by Professor Lalongt College of Sedan and sold to Etienne Accary; sold on behalf of Accary by Salle Drouot auction house Paris 1939 to Mrs Noyes; buttons arrive possibly as a loan at Cooper Union Museum around 1942; gift to Museum from the estate of Mrs Noyes in 1949 37 6701864 False 1796 3/25/2012 5 27 42 AM 1949-94-9 http //collection cooperhewitt org/view/objects/asitem/id/101766 Gift of R Keith Kane from the Estate of Mrs Robert B Noyes Button 1790 1800 w37 x h37 x d10 cm ca 1795 False 1 01587301587302 Object west-indian-scene-agostino-brunias West Indian Scene w 37 Millia Davenport The Book of Costume vol II N Y Crown Publ c1948 opp p 702 H x W x D 3 7 x 3 7 x 1cm 1 7/16 x 1 7/16 x 3/8in Washington DC National Collection of Fine Arts Smithsonian Institution Treasures from the Cooper Union Museum 7/13/67-9/23/67 New York NY Cooper-Hewitt Museum More than Meets the Eye 11/15/77-3/15/78New York NY Cooper-Hewitt Design for Life A Centennial Celebration 9/30/97-1/4/98 None Gouache paint on canvas on tin verre fixeé ivory backing glass gilded metal The possible provenance of the buttons may be sketched out as follows given by Toussaint L'Ouverture upon his return to France from /Haiti and Santo Domingo to servant boy c 1802; eventually acquired by boy's heirs in the Sedan; acquired from heirs by Professor Lalongt College of Sedan and sold to Etienne Accary; sold on behalf of Accary by Salle Drouot auction house Paris 1939 to Mrs Noyes; buttons arrive possibly as a loan at Cooper Union Museum around 1942; gift to Museum from the estate of Mrs Noyes in 1949 special url_id 3gFNEepj9ZEJ5Q PD-old-100-1923 1730 Agostino Brunias Miniatures Buttons clothing Google Art Project works by Agostino Brunias Google Art Project works in Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum West India |