Keywords: Akseli Gallen-Kallela - The abduction of Sampo - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project Q20087050 Creator Akseli Gallen-Kallela Oil on canvas cm 103 65 1865 Pori Finland 1865 1931 Stockholm Sweden 1931 Akseli Male 28606110 Gallen-Kallela Finnish 1865 - 1931 /collection/malmo-konstmuseum/artwork/the-abduction-of-sampo-akseli-gallen-kallela/28561186/ Akseli Gallen-Kallela Painter /artist/akseli-gall C3 A9n-k C3 A1llela/28606111/ 28606111 /collection/malmo-konstmuseum/ Malmö Konstmuseum 27786618 http //www malmo se/konstmuseum /collection/malmo-konstmuseum/artwork/the-abduction-of-sampo-akseli-gallen-kallela/28561186/ 1905 1905 Oil on canvas Gift from the Friends of Malmö Art Museum 1931 103 28561186 False Complete MM 022492 Malmö Art Museum Painting 1900 1910 w65 x h103 cm 1905 False 0 501953125 Object the-abduction-of-sampo-akseli-gallen-kallela The abduction of Sampo a 65 1989 The Baltics 1914 - an art situation Malmö Art Museum; 2006-2007 Akseli Gallen-Kallela Groningen Museum Holland en Oil on canvas en Gift from the Friends of Malmö Art Museum 1931 special url_id 4wFTGmuNchUQdQ PD-old-auto-1923 1931 DEFAULTSORT Akseli Gallen-Kallela - Sammon ryöstö Paintings of Kalevala by Akseli Gallen-Kallela Google Art Project works by Akseli Gallen-Kallela Malmö Konstmuseum Sampo mythology 1905 paintings Oil on canvas Thefts in art Boats in art |