Keywords: Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov 1952.jpg 2008-12-12 own assumed Alex Bakharev From en-wiki A D Aleksandrov 1952 after becoming a rector of the Leningrad State University Scan from <nowiki>1</nowiki> used by the editor's permission Permission obtained for Wikipedia by my request by V A Zalgaller original author of most of the original article text from the book editor G M Idlis From the original email with the permission Russian language transliteration <pre> Date Tue 14 Dec 2004 15 07 40 +0300 From Grigorii M Idlis <idlis ihst ru> To Victor Zalgaller <zalg tarunz org> Subject Re foto snip Dorogoj Viktor Abramovich Soglasen na ispolzovanie photo A D Alexandrova iz moego arhiva iz redaktirovannoj mnoju knigi o nem snip </pre> ru Image Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov 1952 jpg Mathematicians from Russia Physicists from Russia Saint Petersburg State University Mathematicians from the Soviet Union Mountaineers from the Soviet Union Members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Scientists in 1952 |