Keywords: Reverse side of ALP flyers for Lower House candidates distributed around Perth for the lead candidate for the Senate ticket for Western Australia - Sue Lines. Lines was appointed Senator to fill a casual vacancy in May 2013 following the resignation of Chris Evans This election is a Double Dissolution were all twelve Senators are elected instead of six at a normal Half-Senate election. With Proportional Representation via a Single Transferable Vote, the quota is reduced from one seventh to one-thirteenth of the states vote to gain a Senate seat. This will assist minor parties to gain a Senate seat at the 2016 election. On the other hand the Group Ticket vote has been abolished with voters allowed to allocate preferences for the party or individual candidates rather than have the party automatically allocate preferences for an 'above the line' vote and deals done to get some minor party candidates elected with relatively few votes via other party preference flows. Reverse side of ALP flyers for Lower House candidates distributed around Perth for the lead candidate for the Senate ticket for Western Australia - Sue Lines. Lines was appointed Senator to fill a casual vacancy in May 2013 following the resignation of Chris Evans This election is a Double Dissolution were all twelve Senators are elected instead of six at a normal Half-Senate election. With Proportional Representation via a Single Transferable Vote, the quota is reduced from one seventh to one-thirteenth of the states vote to gain a Senate seat. This will assist minor parties to gain a Senate seat at the 2016 election. On the other hand the Group Ticket vote has been abolished with voters allowed to allocate preferences for the party or individual candidates rather than have the party automatically allocate preferences for an 'above the line' vote and deals done to get some minor party candidates elected with relatively few votes via other party preference flows. |