Keywords: AmazingGrace.svg en «Amazing Grace» as arranged in the en Southern Harmony 1835 own Brian Ammon 2012-09-04 File AmazingGrace png Created with LilyPond Source code <pre> \version 2 15 95 global \key c \major \time 3/4 sopranonotes \relative c r2 c4 e2 e4 g2 g4 e2 e4 d2 d4 e2 c8 e g2 f8 e d2 d4 c2 d4 c2 c4 e2 e8 d c2 c4 g2 c4 e2 d4 e2 \bar sopranowords \lyricmode A -- ma -- zing grace how sweet the sound that saved a _ wretch like _ me I once was lost but now am _ found was blind but now I see altonotes \relative c r2 g4 c2 e8 c e2 d4 c2 a4 g2 g4 c2 e8 c e2 d8 e g2 d8 e g2 e8 d c2 e8 d c2 a8 g g2 g4 c2 e8 c e2 d4 c2 \bar altowords \lyricmode bassnotes \clef bass r2 c4 c2 g4 e2 g4 c2 e4 g2 g4 c2 g8 a c'2 a4 g2 g4 g2 g4 c'2 a4 g2 e8 d c2 c4 c2 e8 g a2 g4 c2 \bar basswords \lyricmode \score \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << \new Voice soprano << \global \sopranonotes >> \lyricsto soprano \new Lyrics \sopranowords >> \new Staff << \new Voice alto << \global \altonotes >> \lyricsto alto \new Lyrics \altowords >> \new Staff << \new Voice bass << \global \bassnotes >> \lyricsto bass \new Lyrics \basswords >> >> </pre> Amazing Grace Cc-zero |