Keywords: Apollo Musagetes Pio-Clementino Inv310.jpg Apollo kitharoidos holding a kithara and musagetes leading the Musas Marble Roman artwork 2nd century CE Apollon citharède tenant une cithare et musagète conducteur des Muses Marbre œuvre romaine IIe siècle ap J -C Trouvé avec sept statues des Muses près de Tivoli en 1774 dans les ruines de la villa de Cassius Museum musei Vaticani Museo Pio-Clementino Muses Hall object history credit line Found with a group of seven statues of the Musas near Tivoli in 1774 in the ruins of Cassius' villa accession number Inv 310 Jastrow 2006 other versions thumb left Drawing of statue Apollo kitharoidos Vatican Apollo and the Muses group from the Villa di Cassio Tivoli Apollo |