Keywords: Archipelagus Orientalis sive Asiaticus 1659 - Atlas of the Great Elector.jpg en Archipelagus Orientalis sive Asiaticus 1659 by Johannes Blaeu Papas landt or Nova Guinea Nova Hollandia discovered in the year 1644 Nova Zeelandia or New Zealand reached in 1642 Antoni van Diemens land found in the same year Carpentaria thus named after General Carpentier and still other lands partly discovered are shown on this map 1659 http //tukart ulb tu-darmstadt de/567/4 Joan Blaeu Atlas des Grossen Kurfuersten Amsterdam 1659 Creator Joan Blaeu <gallery>File Nova Archipelagi Orientalis Tabula Joan Blaeu 6663 png 1663 version</gallery> PD-old-100 maps of Indonesia Archipelagus Orientalis Atlas of the Great Elector Old maps of Thailand ImageNote 1 217 299 178 100 590 455 2 <gallery>File Archipelagus Orientalis sive Asiaticus 1659 - Anthoni van Diemens Landt - title jpg</gallery> ImageNoteEnd 1 |