Keywords: Armadillo range expansion.png Nine-banded Armadillo in the United States created by user Caliga10 This map is based in part on the following maps http //justinsomnia org/images/armadillo_range png Armadillo Range http //www mnh si edu/mna//image_info cfm species_id 58 North American Mammals Dasypus novemcinctus with supplemental information folded into it related to the appearance of the Nine-banded Armadillo in southern Illinois obtained from http //www inhs uiuc edu/inhsreports/2005/winter2005 pdf the Illinois Natural History Survey and supplemental information related to the appearance of the Nine-banded Armadillo in western Kentucky from http //www crcc net/Newsletter/0704Links PDF anecdotal to be sure but the http //fw ky gov/kfwis/stwg/Volume 20II/2 1 0 20 20Introduction htm Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife seems to agree The areas colored red indicate present range of the Nine-banded Armadillo in the United States as of approximately 2006 and the areas colored pink are areas in which the species should eventually be able to establish itself based on climate and soil conditions according to the first source cited above That source also indicated large areas of the west coast of the United States as being suitable for armadillo expansion but that would depend on human intervention as the armadillo is not likely to be able to establish itself in points eastward i e the Rocky Mountains which lie between its current range and the Pacific coast תחו ההתפשטות ש ארמדי תשע-הטבעות נכון 2009 2010 ועתידי own work by original uploader 2006-12-04 Caliga10 wikipedia en Caliga10 Original upload log he wikipedia Fxp300 he wikipedia Armadillo+range+expansion png 2013-02-18 12 28 Manedwolf 420×290× 19845 bytes <nowiki> תקציר תיאור תחו ההתפשטות ש ארמדי תשע-הטבעות נכון 2009 2010 ועתידי מקור http //en wikipedia org/wiki/File Armadillo_range_expansion png תאריך יצירה כתוב ש </nowiki> page en wikipedia Armadillo_range_expansion png 2009-12-15 00 46 Caliga10 420×290× 19845 bytes <nowiki>New version of this map for late 2009-early 2010 based on newspaper accounts that the armadillo is now moving into North Carolina </nowiki> 2009-07-06 15 54 Caliga10 420×290× 19826 bytes <nowiki>Uploaded a new version of this file which reflects expansion through mid-2009 The only significant change is the addition of most of East Tennessee per this source article <ref>http //www knoxnews com/news/2009/jul/03/keeping-all-fingers-intact/</ref>-</nowiki> 2008-10-30 02 20 Caliga10 420×290× 24765 bytes <nowiki>updated version of my armadillo range/expansion map from 2006 which factors in new source data indicating the armadillo's expansion has continued </nowiki> 2006-12-04 00 47 Caliga10 420×290× 25087 bytes <nowiki>Map of the range of the Nine-banded Armadillo in the United States created by user Caliga10 This map is based in part on the following maps http //justinsomnia org/images/armadillo_range png Armadillo Range http //www mnh si edu/mna//i</nowiki> Dasypus Cingulata distribution maps Animal distribution maps of North America |