Keywords: Atlas Beudeker-C9E10 079 22Y-NIEUPOORT.jpeg accession number L Jordaens Author L Jordaens Publisher Creator Nicolaes_Visscher_ I credit line 1660 Deze afbeelding van Nieuwpoort werd gegraveerd door L Jordaens Het stadsgezicht was de vijfentwintigste in een reeks prenten die in 1660 door Nicolaes Visscher I 1618-1679 werden gepubliceerd in zijn Theatrum praecipuarum Urbium Ducatus Brabantiae This representation of Nieuwpoort was engraved by L Jordaens The city view was the twenty-fifth in a series of prints published by Nicolaes Visscher I 1618-1679 in 1660 in his Theatrum praecipuarum Urbium Ducatus Brabantiae Rechtsonder 25 21 5 x 27 5 cm exhibition history British Library Kopergravure Technique copper engraving C9E10 079_22Y Nicolaes Visscher I Information field Depicted locations Netherlands - Nieuwpoort object history object type Prent Print PD-old-100 place of creation Amsterdam place of discovery Source page at the http //resolver kb nl/resolve urn urn gvn KONB01 526 Geheugen van Nederland / Memory of the Netherlands website British Library image Maps C 9 e 10 NIEUPOORT Uploaded with GWToolset Atlas Beudeker-C9E10 079_22Y-NIEUPOORT http //resolver kb nl/resolve urn urn gvn KONB01 079_22Y size large Atlas Beudeker Historical images of Nieuwpoort |