Keywords: Atlas Van der Hagen-KW1049B10 068-DUCATUS BREMAE & FERDAE Maximaeque partis FLUMINIS VISURGIS.jpeg InteractiveViewer of the Atlas Van der Hagen in the catalogue of the KB http //opc4 kb nl/DB 1/TTL 1/LNG EN/PPN PPN 353012750 Creator Frederick de Wit Author Descriptio per Fredericum de Wit Amstelodami Publisher F de Wit in Platea Vitulina prope curiam Author Descriptio per Fredericum de Wit Amstelodami Publisher F de Wit in Platea Vitulina prope curiam credit line na 1688 Deze kaart van Frederik de Wit 1630-1706 is gebaseerd op een kaart die Joan Blaeu 1598-1673 in 1662 in zijn Atlas Maior publiceerde De kaart van Blaeu was op haar beurt gebaseerd op het werk van twee Zweedse kartografen Johannes Gorries en Joannes Christoph Het grootste deel van het aartsbisdom Bremen en het Bisdom Verden behoorde sedert het Verdrag van Westfalen 1648 tot Zweden This map by Frederik de Wit 1630-1706 is based on a map published by Joan Blaeu 1598-1673 in his Atlas Maior in 1662 Blaeus map for his part was based on the work by two Swedish cartographers Johannes Gorries and Joannes Christoph The Swedish involvement explains itself in that the largest part of the arch diocese Bremen and the diocese Verden were Swedish territory since the Treaty of Westfalen 1648 49 x 58 cm exhibition history Institution Koninklijke Bibliotheek kopergravure Technique copper engraving KW1049B10_068 - Volume 1 Frederik de Wit - Joan Blaeu - Gorries Johannes - Christoph Joannes Information field Depicted locations Bremen arch episcopality - Verden diocese - Germany object history object type Kaart Map PD-old-100 place of creation place of discovery Source page at the http //resolver kb nl/resolve urn urn gvn KONB01 80 Geheugen van Nederland / Memory of the Netherlands website Koninklijke Bibliotheek DUCATUS BREMAE FERDAE Maximaeque partis FLUMINIS VISURGIS Uploaded with GWToolset Atlas Van der Hagen-KW1049B10_068-DUCATUS BREMAE FERDAE Maximaeque partis FLUMINIS VISURGIS http //resolver kb nl/resolve urn urn gvn KONB01 1049B10_068 size large Atlas van der Hagen Maps of Neuwerk Old maps of Bremen |