MAKE A MEME View Large Image Beautify your homes (16164013607).jpg 16 <br> Miss Ella V Baines The Woman Florist Springfield Ohio <br> FRAGRANT HELIOTROPES <br> Price 6 cents each <br> HELIOTROPE THE QUEEN <br> Florence Nightingale � The best free flowering light laven- ...
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Keywords: Beautify your homes (16164013607).jpg 16 <br> Miss Ella V Baines The Woman Florist Springfield Ohio <br> FRAGRANT HELIOTROPES <br> Price 6 cents each <br> HELIOTROPE THE QUEEN <br> Florence Nightingale � The best free flowering light laven- <br> der <br> Chieftain � Color deepest violet purple large white eye <br> very fragrant The plant is of vigorous habit very fioriferous <br> Snow 'Wreath- � Superb large clusters of deliciously fragrant <br> flowers of pure while <br> Albert Delaux � Purple and Gold Foliage is a bright gold- <br> en yellow very pronounced and marked slightly with a del- <br> icate green In bloom it is exquistely beautiful the deep laven- <br> der color of the flower contrasting admirably with the ever-vary- <br> ing foliage very free flowering trusses large <br> The Queen � For a neat dwarf habit profusion of bloom and <br> richness of odor this Heliotrope has no equal and its vivid color <br> of royal purple with a distinct white center givesus something <br> entirely new in color either for Summer decoration or Winter <br> flowering This is by far the best of all Heliotropes Simply <br> grand <br> HYDRANGEAS <br> New Hydrangea Monstrosa � This is by far the best of all <br> Hydrangeas the flower being almost double in size of the older <br> varieties and its free blooming qualities are unequaled by any <br> plant we know of The color is at first a deep rich pink grad- <br> ually changing to almost a snow white Blooms have been <br> �measured fifteen inches m length by ten inches through It is <br> indeed an enormousand beautiful flower 10 cents eacb <br> New Hydrangea Stella Fimforiata � This is the only dou- <br> ble Hydrangea in existence The individual flowers are perfect- <br> ly double and resemble in shape small rosettes a beautiful <br> peach pink in color very fioriferous flowers of the largest size <br> It is certainly a charming plant 10 cents each <br> New Hydrangea Red-Branched � Rami's Pictus A val- <br> uable addition to the list of Hydrangeas with dark red branches <br> that brighten to a clear crimson color as they near the flower <br> trusses The plant is of robust habit and produces freely im- <br> mense heads of deep rose colored flowers 10 cents each <br> Japanese Hydrangea Paniculata Grandiflora � A very <br> striking and elegant hardy flowering shrub suitable for lawns; <br> introduced from Japan The flowers are pure white afterwards <br> changing to pink and are borne in immense pyramidal trusses <br> more than a foot long and nearly as much in diameter It <br> blooms in mid-Summer and remains in bloom two or thTee <br> months It creates a great sensation wherever seen The plant <br> is of bushy and compact growth attains a height of three to <br> four feet Perfectly hardy in all parts of the country Needs no <br> protection Fine young plants 20 cents each; extra strong <br> two-year-old plants for immediate effect 35 cents each <br> Hortensis � The old favorite variety Pink flowers chang- <br> ing to blue in soils containing iron 8 cents each <br> Thomas Hogg � A pure white variety with trusses of flowers <br> measuring fifteen inches in diameter The plants when full <br> grown attain a height and width of six feet Perfectly hardy <br> One of the finest plants for cemeteries 8 cents each <br> Otaksa � Bright rosy pink flowers always perfect and last- <br> ing when in bloom three or four months Try it 8 cts each <br> SPECIAL OFFER � The seven Hydrangeas good plaMts <br> for 60 cents <br> IMPATIENS STJLTANI <br> This makes a very shapely plant and is in bloom continuously <br> the year round outdoor or indoors even in the small plants <br> three or four inches high The bloom is bright pink and comes <br> s-o profusely as to almost cover the entire plant Very desirable <br> 10 cents each <br> FRAGRANT JASMINES <br> Jasmine Gracillimum � Exceedingly fioriferous A flow- <br> ering shoot is produced from every joint which terminates in a <br> dense cluster of pure white fragrant flowers In bloom in the <br> greenhouse from October to February 10 cents each; fine <br> strong plants 30 cents each <br> Cape Jasmine <br> � Well known for <br> its delicious fra- <br> grance and beauty <br> of its flowers whieh <br> are white and dou- <br> ble 10 cts each; <br> fine strong <br> plants 35 cents <br> each <br> R e vol u turn � <br> A yellow-flowered <br> Jasmine nearly <br> hardy and exquis- <br> itely fragrant 8c <br> each; fine <br> strong plants <br> J5 cents each <br> Poetica � Sim- <br> ilar to the Jasmine <br> Grand Flower <br> small but borne on <br> larger spikes 8c <br> each; strong <br> plants 25 cents <br> each <br> Grandiflorum <br> � California Jas- <br> mine It is from <br> Italy The flowers <br> are pure white star- <br> shaped and of ex- <br> quisitefragrance 8 <br> cents each; fine <br> strong plants <br> 25 cents each <br> Maid of Or- <br> leans � In this <br> beautiful Jasmine <br> th ere are combined <br> some sterling qual- <br> ities that place it a <br> peer over existing <br> sorts Easy culture <br> fine grower good <br> bloomer elegant <br> fragrance and <br> double flowers of <br> chaste and waxy <br> white appearance <br> Fine plants 10 <br> cents each; <br> strong plants 40 cents each If yon have only one <br> Jasmine let it be this one <br> Grand Duke of Tuscany � This Jasmine is very easily <br> grown even small plants bearing a profusion of very double <br> cream white flowers having a delicious perfume It is a mag- <br> nificent plant and will become one of the most valuable and <br> popular pot plants when it becomes better known It can be <br> stored in a dry cellar in Winter 20 cents each; strong <br> plants 50 cents each <br> Confederate Jasmine Rhyncospermum Jasminoides � <br> I his makes an elegant hard-wooded climber or can be trained <br> in bush form It bears large bunches of pure white flowers <br> with the most delicate Jasmine perfume It is known in the <br> South where it is hardy as the Confederate Jasmine It will <br> delight all 10 cents each; strong plants 25 cents each <br> JASMINE GRACILLIMUM 41878691 131125 64689 Page 16 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/41878691 1918 10 1080/00222939708680643 Ella V Baines Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Hortensis NameConfirmed Hortensis NameBankID 4618629 NameFound Hydrangea NameConfirmed Hydrangea sect Cornidia Ruiz Pav Engl EOLID 40082 NameFound Jasminoides NameConfirmed Jasminoides NameBankID 3440207 NameFound Pictus NameConfirmed Pictus EOLID 87236 NameBankID 4297207 NameFound Rhyncospermum NameConfirmed Rhyncospermum NameBankID 4854605 Biodiversity Heritage Library Beautify your homes 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Plants Ornamental Roses Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 41878691 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/41878691 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-23 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16164013607 2015-08-24 08 51 05 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Beautify your homes Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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