Keywords: Bialgebra2.svg Created by Dave Rosoff using LaTeX2e and textogif Bialgebra2 png 2010-08-23 06 09 UTC Bialgebra2 png User Alodyne on http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia derivative work Snubcube <span class signature-talk >talk</span> Convert to SVG snubcube Bialgebra2 png LaTeX Source \documentclass article \usepackage xy \xyoption all \begin document \pagestyle empty \ \xymatrix B \otimes B \arr \nabla \ard_ \Delta \otimes \Delta B \arr \Delta B \otimes B \\ B \otimes B \otimes B \otimes B \arrr \mbox id \otimes \tau \otimes \mbox id B \otimes B \otimes B \otimes B \aru_ \nabla \otimes \nabla \ \end document other_</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Coalgebra structures Commutative diagrams of binary operations Images with LaTeX source code |