Keywords: Boccaccino Imago Pietatis.jpg Artwork Creator Boccaccio Boccaccino end other date century 15 tempera oil wood cm 69 54 Institution National Museum Warsaw accession number 164001 object history ProvenanceEvent 1946 transfer National Museum Warsaw credit line Ágnes Czobor 1968 Malarstwo weneckie XV-XVIII w ze zbiorów polskich oraz ze zbiorów Muzeum Sztuk Pięknych w Budapeszcie Galerii Drzdeńskiej Galerii Narodowej w Pradze Katalog wystawy Muzeum Narodowe p 56 http //fe fondazionezeri unibo it/catalogo/scheda jsp decorator layout apply true tipo_scheda OA id 34222 titolo Boccaccino+Boccaccio+ 2c+Cristo+morto+sorretto+da+un+angelo fe fondazionezeri unibo it PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1490 after; Imago Pietatis Boccaccio Boccaccino Italian paintings in the National Museum in Warsaw Renaissance paintings in the National Museum in Warsaw Tempera on panel 1490s paintings Boccaccino Imago Pietatis 1490 after 16th-century oil on panel paintings in Poland Boccaccino Imago Pietatis 1490 after Paintings of the Man of Sorrows in Poland |