MAKE A MEME View Large Image Bolgiano's 1902 catalogue (15727587274).jpg 32 <br> F W BOLGIANO cc CO <br> TURNIP SEED <br> CULTURE OF TURNIPS � They do best in highly enriched light sandy or gravelly soils Com- <br> mence sowing the earliest varieties in April in drills ...
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Keywords: Bolgiano's 1902 catalogue (15727587274).jpg 32 <br> F W BOLGIANO cc CO <br> TURNIP SEED <br> CULTURE OF TURNIPS � They do best in highly enriched light sandy or gravelly soils Com- <br> mence sowing the earliest varieties in April in drills from 12 to 15 inches apart and thin out early to 6 <br> or 9 inches in the rows For a succession sow at intervals of a fortnight until the last week in July <br> from which time until the end of August sowings may be made for the fall and main crop Turnips may <br> be preserved until spring by cutting off the tops about 1 inch from the bulb storing in a cellar or cool <br> shed during winter covering the roots with dry sand They should be harvested before severe frosts set <br> in for though comparatively hardy few will survive winters of the Northern States in the open ground <br> TURNIP � Stefttebe <br> One and a-half to two pounds to the acre <br> Our turnips are grown from our own stocks and by the most <br> expert farmers They are true to shape and true in color We <br> sent out tons of seeds last year which produced satisfactory <br> and paying crops everywhere ; while stocks from 01 her sources <br> failed to bulb and grew only to abundant tops We are grow- <br> ing the same superior stocks and caretul gardeners should <br> take pains to get them for their own use <br> RED TOP WHITE GLOBE TURNIP <br> Purple Top White Globe Turnip � Our <br> 'stock is the perfection of turnips It has small tops <br> but large well-formed handsome roots In our mar- <br> kets the past fall it brought double the price of other <br> stocks and was always preferred by buyers and ship- <br> pers Packet 5c X pound 10c Pound 25c <br> bar <br> Southern Seven-Top Turnip � This the <br> ardiest of all sorts may be left standing in the open <br> ground during winter In the Southern States it <br> yields in the spring abundant foliage for boiling with <br> cured meats and is only desirable for this purpose <br> Packet 5c 1-4 pound 10c Pound 30c <br> Golden Ball Turnip or Orange Jelly � One <br> of the sweetest flesh yellow turnips yet introduced ; <br> not of large size but firm hard and of most excellent <br> flavor ; good keeper and superior table variety ; of <br> bright golden orange color Packet 5c pound <br> ioc Pound oc <br> IfED OR PURPLE TOP WHITE FLAT TURNIP <br> I/Red or Purple Top White Flat Turnip � <br> Our stock is perfect in form and size and has small <br> tops with large handsome roots and matures very <br> early � Packet 5c i Pound 10c Pound 25c <br> /Yellow Glohe � Yellow Globe is a wonderful <br> cropper and keeps far into the following year It <br> begins to bulb at the very start and forms large size <br> roots and small tops � Packet 5c i Pound 10c <br> Pound 30c <br> J White Flat � Pure white flat strap-leaf turnip <br> 'Early and fine Packet 5c \ Pound 0c Pound 30c <br> y/Early Flat Dutch � An early white flat tur- <br> �nip medium size Excellent for early spring sowing <br> � Packet 5c £ Pound 10c Pound 30c <br> I/White Egg � Oval or egg shape handsome and <br> sweet; flesh firm and sound grained; thin and per- <br> fectly smooth skin of snowy whiteness � Packet 5c <br> I Pound 15c Pound 40c <br> / Yellow Aberdeen � Hardy good-keeping tur- <br> nip ve~v productive � Packet 5c i Pound 10c <br> Pound 30c <br> Add 8c per pound on Turnip Seed if sent by mail <br> NEW EXTRA EARLY SUMMER <br> PURPLE TOP TURNIP <br> This is the most desirable turnip for early planting Tops <br> are very p mall strap leaf and grows erect Roots are small <br> and flat skin purple to pure white below flesh clear white; <br> it ijr a beauty Ounce 10c k Pound 15c 1 Pound 50o <br> Improved Purple Top Rutabaga � Rutabaga <br> sown in June and July Our Rutabaga is very <br> select and yields enormous crops of handsome large <br> solid yellow- flesh turnips Get our splendid stock <br> It is grown for cattle food ; also used as a table vege- <br> table Packet 5c 1-4 pound 15c Pound 40c 42156282 132756 65911 Page 32 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156282 1902 10 5962/bhl title 65911 F W Bolgiano Co ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Bolgiano's 1902 catalogue tested seeds for the garden and farm Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Fruit Garden tools Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42156282 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156282 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-23 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15727587274 2015-08-24 08 51 22 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Bolgiano's 1902 catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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