Keywords: British - James Allen - Google Art Project.jpg School 577043 British /collection/dulwich-picture-gallery/artwork/james-allen-british/545255/ British School /artist/None/4130134/ 4130134 /collection/dulwich-picture-gallery/ Dulwich Picture Gallery 363171 http //www dulwichpicturegallery org uk/ 12/28/2011 11 57 31 PM /collection/dulwich-picture-gallery/artwork/james-allen-british/545255/ 1736 1737 British Oil Canvas Bequeathed to Dulwich College by James Allen 1746; College Board Room 2361 545255 False 1738 3/24/2012 3 28 53 AM 496 Painting 1730 1740 w1472 x h2361 cm 1737 False 0 599609375 Object james-allen-british James Allen j 1472 Allen James Bequest 1746 lower left JA in monogram Born y e 4th / of May 1683/1737/ AE 54and on roll Sussex / Worcester s The Roll/ of James Allen/ of the Vacation after/ Trinity Term and of/ Michaelmas Term following Anno/ 1737 Oil Bequeathed to Dulwich College by James Allen 1746; College Board Room Canvas British special url_id fgF5kf8HRfDBTQ PD-old-100 Google Art Project works by unknown artist Britain Male fur clothing in art |