Keywords: Cape Town 2011 population density map.svg ffffcc <1 inhabitant/km² ffeda0 1 “3 inhabitants/km² fed976 3 “10 inhabitants/km² feb24c 10 “30 inhabitants/km² fd8d3c 30 “100 inhabitants/km² fc4e2a 100 “300 inhabitants/km² e31a1c 300 “1000 inhabitants/km² bc0026 1000 “3000 inhabitants/km² 800026 >3000 inhabitants/km² Statistics South Africa's Census 2011 is the source of the basic population data The map results from my own processing of the data Htonl 2015-09-26 http //beta2 statssa gov za/ page_id 425 Demographic maps of South Africa Maps of Cape Town The following license applies to the population data on which the map is based the user acknowledges Stats SA as the source of the basic data wherever they process apply utilise publish or distribute the data and also that they specify that the relevant application and analysis where applicable result from their own processing of the data The following tag applies to the map itself |