Keywords: Carl Gustav Carus - Das Kolosseum in einer Mondnacht.jpg Artwork creator Carl Gustav Carus Title Das Kolosseum in einer Mondnacht View of the Colosseum by Night Вид Колизея ночью early otherdate s 1830 oil on canvas cm 47 5 37 Eremitage langSwitch The Winter Palace Winterpalais Зимний дво� ец 342 ГЭ-7562 object history langSwitch All-Union Society Antikvariat 1931 Всесоюзное Общество Антиква� иат � анее соб� ание П П Ду� ново в С - Пете� бу� ге 1931 1 Yorck 2 http //www arthermitage org/Carl-Gustav-Carus/View-of-the-Colosseum-by-Night html Arthermitage<br/>3 http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/32844/ lng en langSwitch Госуда� ственный Э� митаж The Hermitage St Petersburg Eremitage Sankt Petersburg Other versions PD-old-auto-1923 1869 DEFAULTSORT Carus Carl Gustav; Kolosseum bei Mondschein; Hermitage Paintings by Carl Gustav Carus German paintings in the Hermitage Romantic landscape paintings Moon in paintings Colosseum at night Z Colosseum in art - Interior 1828 1830s paintings in Russia 19th-century oil on canvas paintings in Russia Paintings of ruins Night landscape paintings Paintings of Rome Rome in the 1830s |