Keywords: Cars stuck on Lake shore drive Chicago Feb 2 2011 storm.JPG This is an image of Cars stuck on Lake shore drive Chicago due to heavy snow Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Common Good using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper <br/> Original text I t3xt talk created this work entirely by myself 2011-02-02 t3xt talk Original uploader was Victorgrigas at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia CC-ZERO 41 55 58 0 N 87 37 88 0 W alt 189 93321_source exif_heading 259 808 Victorgrigas at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Cc-zero Original upload log page en wikipedia Cars_stuck_on_Lake_shore_drive_Chicago_Feb_2_2011_storm JPG 2011-02-02 19 31 Victorgrigas 2592×1936× 1791595 bytes <nowiki> I ~~~ created this work entirely by myself ~~~~~ ~~~ </nowiki> February 2011 abandoned vehicles on Lake Shore Drive Snowed-in automobiles in the United States |