Keywords: Ceiling panel with galley - Google Art Project (BwHSSlgvFAuohw).jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title Ceiling panel with galley core creator Unknown core date dateCreated 1300 core format w231 x h81 x d8 cm core type Painting core relation http //art mnac cat/fitxatecnica html;jsessionid inventoryNumber 107881-000 lang en core format medium Tempera on wood c-0df943fa customtext artwork_history Purchase of the house by Barcelona City Council 1955; paintings acquired by the Museum in 1960 c-0df943fa location provenance Barcelona c-0df943fa customtext tag Genre and society c-0df943fa customtext inventory_number 107881-000 google display_date 1300 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google street_view_asset/id XAG_fSepwFRsaQ google street_view_level/id 13301978909128626456 google street_view_location 41 368457794189453 2 1531271934509277 1 5099999904632568 ueFGXlauerkQtypioQAwsg google partner/id 000000000df943fa google picasa_token EcRxsgfqJ5qWUbVreiRkCsLNmo0 special url_id BwHSSlgvFAuohw google partner/name Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya - MNAC Barcelona special partner/name_no_lang Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya - MNAC Barcelona PD-old-100-1923 Google Art Project works by unknown artist Galleys in art |