Keywords: Cellular tight junction-fr.svg diagram in French showing a tight junction Tight junctions seal adjacent epithelial cells in a narrow band just beneath their apical surface Diagramme montrant une jonction étroite Les jonction étroites forment un sceau entre les cellules épithéliales juste en dessous de leur surface apicale I did the diagram myself using the information found here http //web fu-berlin de/fun/2001/10-01/leute/leute6 html http //www lionden com/graphics/WebCT/slides1 gif http //www biologia-it arizona edu/cell_bio/problem_sets/membranes/13t html http //arbl cvmbs colostate edu/hbooks/cmb/cells/pmemb/junctions_t html http //sciencentral us/chpt7 30Intercelljunctions gif http //www nature com/nature/journal/v422/n6933/fig_tab/nature01603_F4 html http //sciencentral us/chpt7 html http //www nastech com/nastech/junctions_biology and http //users rcn com/jkimball ma ultranet/BiologyPages/J/Junctions html Image renamed from File Cellular tight junction svg 2006-05-03 Mariana Ruiz LadyofHats Translation by Berru LadyofHats Other versions/Cellular tight junction Translation possible Related Files 10 border 1 Cell junctions Gap cell junction Desmosome cell junction Adherens Junctions - 100px center 100px center 101px center 100px center Ultrastructure diagrams SVG diagrams in French Protein complexes Cell junctions Tight junctions |