Keywords: Central and Eastern Europe around 950 AD.png Политическа геог афия на с ъбските земи п и Чеслав Клоними ович Southeastern Europe around 950 AD Europa del Sudeste hacia 960 Europe du Sud-Est vers 950 à la mort de Caslav Jugoistočna Europa oko 950 godine 950 Окви ни п иказ г аница на Балкану око 960 године к ајем Чаславове владавине en wikipedia NB borders cannot be known with certainty given lack of clear sources and in any case they changed constantly However we do know that Serbia was at a relative zenith after the death of Symeon of Bulgaria c 927 and Tomislav of Croatia Caslav of Serbia extended his borders well into Bosnia J V A Fine The Early Medieval Balkans Pg 159-60 Caslav was able to restore his country expanding into Pagania and establishing control over the Terbounites and Kanalites Southeastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages Florin Curta Pg 213 The situation in Slavonia is very difficult to discern; and scholars cannot be certain whether it was controlled by Croats or Magyars Either way it was a well populated and productive region http //books google com au/books id YIAYMNOOe0YC printsec frontcover dq southeastern+europe+ +curta hl en sa X ei hCKLUozWDYSRkgW4lYCIDw redir_esc y v snippet q slavonia f false pg 193 The area of Vidin Singidunum Belgrade and Sirmium Srem was ruled by Bulgaria from 9th century until their final defeat by the Byzantines in 1018 Byzantine Military Organization on the Danube 10th-12th Centuries A Madgearu 2013 Pg 55-56 Map of Serbia and surrounds c 950 AD according to Sima Cirkovic The Serbs Pg 13 http //books google com au/books id 2Wc-DWRzoeIC printsec frontcover dq the+serbs hl en sa X ei mySLUoq_JsWVkgWogoHYBA redir_esc y v onepage q map 201 1 f false Map of SEE according to Shepherd's Historcal Atlas c 1000 AD http //www lib utexas edu/maps/historical/shepherd/europe_byzantine_empires jpg 2009-02-07 Hxseek wikipedia en Hxseek original upload log page en wikipedia Balkans950 png 2009-02-07 03 50 Hxseek 628×525× 278873 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> Maps of the history of the medieval Balkans Maps of the history of Croatia in the Middle Ages Maps of the history of Serbia in the Early Middle Ages Maps of the history of Republika Srpska Maps of the history of Bulgaria in the Middle Ages Images moved from Wikipedia by Captain-tucker Romania in the 10th century Maps showing 10th-century history Maps of the history of Romania in the Middle Ages Časlav of Serbia |