Keywords: Complete neuron cell diagram pt.svg Complete neuron cell diagram with french captions Neurons also known as neurones and nerve cells are electrically excitable cells in the nervous system that process and transmit information In vertebrate animals neurons are the core components of the brain spinal cord and peripheral nerves Anatomiia dos neurónios Em vertebrados os neurónios são o componente principal do cérebro medula espinal e nervos periféricos Derivative work Tradução em português efectuada por Lijealso of the original English version by LadyofHats Original version made with adobe illustrator translation made with Inkscape Tradução em Português da versão original em inglês de LadyofHats Versão original efectuada com adobe illustrator tradução em português efectuada com Inkscape 2007-09-04 Mariana Ruiz LadyofHats original English version Lijealso Portuguese translation LadyofHats Other versions/Complete neuron cell diagram translation possible Histological schematic Neurohistology Neurobiology Anatomical plates and drawings of the human nervous system |