MAKE A MEME View Large Image Corioliskraft-und-Normalkomponente.svg de Corioliskraft und Geschwindigkeitsvektor und dessen Normalkomponente zur Winkelgeschwindigkeit 2012-04-30 own Stündle Povray cc-zero Source <big>Beschriftung mit Inkscape</big> <source lang povray ...
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Keywords: Corioliskraft-und-Normalkomponente.svg de Corioliskraft und Geschwindigkeitsvektor und dessen Normalkomponente zur Winkelgeschwindigkeit 2012-04-30 own Stündle Povray cc-zero Source <big>Beschriftung mit Inkscape</big> <source lang povray > include colors inc background White camera angle 20 location <10 60 -80> look_at <0 1 0> light_source <35 100 -120> color White shadowless light_source <35 100 -120> color Gray20 // geschwindigkeit prism linear_sweep linear_spline 0 // sweep the following shape from here 0 2 // up through here 8 // the number of points making up the shape <0 0> <1 0 5> <1 0 1> <8 08 0 1> <8 08 -0 1> <1 -0 1> <1 -0 5> <0 0> translate<0 -0 1 0> rotate<0 0 -30> translate<0 4 04 0> translate<-7 0 0> rotate<0 30 0> translate<7 0 1> pigment color SlateBlue // normal-vektor geschwindigkeit/winkelgeschwindigkeit prism linear_sweep linear_spline 0 // sweep the following shape from here 0 2 // up through here 8 // the number of points making up the shape <0 0> <1 0 5> <1 0 1> <7 0 1> <7 -0 1> <1 -0 1> <1 -0 5> <0 0> //translate<0 -0 1 0> translate<-7 0 0> rotate<0 30 0> translate<7 0 1> pigment Blue // kraftvektor prism linear_sweep linear_spline 0 // sweep the following shape from here 0 2 // up through here 8 // the number of points making up the shape <0 0> <1 0 5> <1 0 1> <6 0 1> <6 -0 1> <1 -0 1> <1 -0 5> <0 0> //translate<0 -0 1 0> translate<-6 0 0> rotate<0 90 0> rotate<0 30 0> translate<7 0 1> //translate<4 6> pigment Green // omega cylinder <0 0 0> <0 5 0> 0 1 //rotate<-90 0 0> pigment color Red cone <0 0 0> 0 5 <0 1 0> 0 translate<0 5 0> pigment color Red // omega 2 cylinder <0 0 0> <0 5 0> 0 1 translate<7 0 1> pigment color Red cone <0 0 0> 0 5 <0 1 0> 0 translate<0 5 0> translate<7 0 1> pigment color Red // rotationsebene cylinder <0 0 -0 3> <0 0 0 3> 15 rotate<90 0 0> translate<0 -0 3 0> pigment color Gray95 </source> Uploaded with UploadWizard Coriolis force
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