Keywords: Csv-bivariate-normal-distribution.svg en 5000 samples of a bivariate normal distribution with variances 1 and 4 and rho 0 7 de 5000 Datenpunkte einer Bivariaten Normalverteilung mit der Kovarianzmatrix 1 0 0 7 0 7 4 0 und dem mittelwertsvektor 0 0 0 0 own MartinThoma 2015-09-08 __doc__ formatter_class ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter parser add_argument -n dest n default 5000 type int help Number of points to generate return parser if __name__ __main__ args get_parser parse_args create_data args n </source> <source lang latex >\documentclassvarwidth true border 2pt standalone \usepackageutf8 inputenc this is needed for umlauts \usepackagengerman babel this is needed for umlauts \usepackageT1 fontenc this is needed for correct output of umlauts in pdf \usepackagemargin 2 5cm geometry layout \usepackage pgfplots \pgfplotsset compat newest \usetikzlibrary plotmarks \begin document \tikzset mark options line width 0 5pt \begin tikzpicture \begin axis width 7 5cm height 15cm size of the image enlarge x limits 0 05 enlarge y limits 0 05 xmin -5 xmax 5 ymin -10 ymax 10 xlabel x ylabel y \addplotscatter only marks mark mark size 1 point meta 1 table x x y y col sep comma data csv ; \end axis \end tikzpicture \end document </source> Images by Martin Thoma/Mathematics Normal distribution TikZ diagrams SVG mathematics Cc-zero |