Keywords: Cville XII trenchmap.jpg Donald E Coho created this file 100 from scratch He releases it to the public domain for free use There is no copyright and attribution is not expected It was drawn using a CAD program overtop of a USGS topographic map; then the topographic map was deleted Because of the precision of the topographic map it is more accurate than the sketches which it mimics The resulting style of the graphic is completely different from the sources and its accuracy is better Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Donaldecoho using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper 2012-02-25 Original uploader was Donaldecoho at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author en wikipedia Donaldecoho Original upload log page en wikipedia Cville_XII_trenchmap jpg 2012-02-25 00 51 Donaldecoho 1079×803× 160277 bytes <nowiki>This is an original work by me with no copyright stipulations For historical accuracy it is based upon the following 1 <ref> cite web Wells H W Positions of the XII and part of the III Corps covering the Chancellorsville Campaign </nowiki> 2012-02-25 00 29 Donaldecoho 1079×803× 160277 bytes <nowiki></nowiki> Pennsylvania in the American Civil War Union Army regiments |