Keywords: De Re Metallica 1556 p 357AQ20 (3).TIF De re metallica libri XII quibus officia instrumenta machinae ac omnia deni ad metallicam spectantia non modo luculentissimè describuntur sed et per effigies suis locis insertas adiunctis latinis germanicis appellationibus ita ob oculos ponuntur ut clarius tradi non possint Eiusdem De animantibus subterraneis liber ab autore recognitus cum indicibus diversis quicqiuid in opere tractatum est pulchré demonstrantibus by Georgii Agricolae Basileae Apud Hieron Frobenium et Nicolaum Episcopium 1556 Production of nitric acid The first step in separating gold from silver is the production of nitric acid from saltpeter and vitriol shown here The ingredients are heated in distilling apparatus labeled H in the illustration which then give off a red vapor NO2 that combines with water and oxygen in the air to form nitric acid HNO3 The acid is collected in flasks labeled K http //othmerlib chemheritage org/record b1033124~S6 Catalog Information From the copy in the Roy G Neville Historical Chemical Library http //www chemheritage org/ Chemical Heritage Foundation Downloaded with permission from the Chemical Heritage Foundation as part of the Wikipedian in Residence Initiative Chemical Heritage Foundation http //www chemheritage org/ Chemical Heritage Foundation 1556 PD-old-100-1923 PD-1923 cc-by-3 0 Chemical Heritage Foundation Images from the Chemical Heritage Foundation De re metallica |