Keywords: Denys Puech b Meurisse 1921.jpg fr Denys Puech 1854-1942 sculpteur français photographié en 1921 alors qu'il était directeur de la Villa Médicis Épreuve retouchée en Denys Puech 1854-1942 French sculptor Picture taken in 1921 when he was the head of the Villa Medici in Rome Retouched print ARK-BNF Anonymous-EU http //gallica bnf fr/ark /12148/btv1b9038292j r Public domain Droits domaine public own 1921 2014-01-11 for upload Creator Agence Meurisse Uploaded stiched and restored by JLPC thanks to Pmx for his script Public domain Droits domaine public own other versions thumb left Unrestored print thumb left Retouched and cropped print Denys Puech French sculptor 1921 00 18 17 January 2014 UTC Denys Puech b Meurisse 1921 jpg Denys Puech Agence Meurisse Valued images by JLPC Retouches 1921 photographs Valued images of people of France |