Keywords: Dreer's wholesale price list (16786153125).jpg 38 <br> DREER'S WHOLESALE PRICE LIST <br> TROP-EOLUM Phcebe <br> Twelve Grand Pelargoniums <br> The twelve varieties listed below are the fiuest that have <br> ever come to our notice The plants are of strong vigor- <br> ous growth and very free-flowering while the size and <br> shape of the flowers are all that could be desired <br> Champion Countess Dorothy and H M Stanley <br> ¢2i inch pots l -25 per dozen 10 00 per 100 <br> Decorator Mermeris Mrs Bradshaw Madame <br> Thibaut Mrs R Sandiford Madame Vibert <br> Marquise of Salisbury and Victor 2\ inch pots <br> 1 00 per dozen ; 8 00 per 100 <br> Tropseolnm Phoebe <br> A most attractive anc deliciously-scented variety produc- <br> ing flowers throughout the winter and summer season of a <br> deep golden-yellow with a rich crimson feathered blotch in <br> each segment outer edges notched or scolloped the whole <br> foiming into an exquisitely shaped blossom ; admired by <br> all and a decided improvement on all existing varieties in <br> this class <br> A free and vigorous grower When in the height of its <br> perfection strings of growth resplendent with its glorious <br> parti-colored flowers can be cut for decoration 8 to 10 feet <br> long a decided acquisition as a trailer in the greenhouse or <br> conservatory in early spring and out doors during summer <br> 20 cts each 2 00 per doz ; 15 00 per 100 <br> Single Violets <br> The varieties offered below are fully as desirable as the <br> finest doubles and for freedom of bloom they excel any- <br> thing heretofore offered <br> Admiral Avellan A French variety with distinct <br> bright reddish flowers produced very freely ; of large <br> size and fragrance <br> California Flowers are very large borne on long stout <br> stems which makes it especially valuable as a cut-flower ; <br> intensely fragrant and of a clear violet purple color that <br> does not fade out <br> LiUxonne Of the same size as the California but appears <br> nearly double its size as the petals all open out flat and <br> has the advantage of flowering continuously from early <br> in September until April It is of a beautiful rich but <br> soft violet -purple with strong stout stems and very <br> fragrant <br> Princess of Wales A grand variety not as large as <br> Luxonm and a shade lighter in color intensely fragrant <br> 2i inch pots Ready April 1st 60 cts per doz ; 4 00 <br> per 100 35 00 per 1000 <br> New Giant Single Violet ” La France <br> Of the many new violets introduced in the pa st few years <br> this the latest introduction of the foremost French special- \ <br> ist is unquestionably the best It is of a rich violet-blue <br> color of strong vigorous growth free in liloom and deli- <br> I iously scented and will no doubt supersede all existing <br> sorts Ready March 1st 1 00 per dozen ; 8 00 per 100 ; <br> 70 00 per 1000 I <br> General List of Plants <br> iL pots <br> Abutilon Savitzi New variegated 2 <br> Souvenir de Bonn Fine varie- <br> gated bedded 2J <br> Boule de Neige Finest white 2 <br> Golden Fleece Best yellow 2 <br> ' – In 10 best named varieties 2 <br> Acalypha Macafeana 2 <br> Achimenes In 6 choice varieties tubers <br> Achyranthus Acuminata 2\ <br> Emersoni 2 J <br> Agapanthus Umbellatus blue strong <br> Umbellatus Alba <br> Ageratum Tapis Blue dwarf blue 2 <br> Blanche dwarf white 2 <br> AUamanda Williamsii new dwarf 2 <br> Alternanthera Aurea nana Amoena <br> Spectabilis Rosea nana and Versi- <br> color Ready April 1 5th ” 25 00 per 1000 <br> Anthericum Vittatum Variegatum 3 <br> Picturatum 3 <br> Ardisia Crispa 2 <br> 3 <br> 4 <br> Aralia Sieboldi 3 <br> Variegata 4 <br> Begonia Rex 12 distinct varieties 2J <br> Bougainvillea Glabra Sanderiana 3 <br> Carex Japonica Variegata '2\ <br> Cestrum Parqui Night blooming Jessamine 2 <br> Olivia Miniata Imantophyllum 4 <br> 6 <br> Coleus in 12 best varieties 2\ <br> Cyperus Alternifolius 2 <br> 3 <br> Cuphaea Leavae New Giant 2 <br> Daisies Paris California Giant 2\ <br> Etoile du Lyon Large yellow 2 <br> Snow Crest Giant white English Daisy 2 <br> Fuchsias 11 choice varieties ready Feb 1st 2j- <br> Feverfew Little Gem 2 <br> Gardenia Florida 4 <br> Genesta Fragrans 4 <br> 5 <br> Andreana 4 <br> Geraniums 25 choice single varieties 2 <br> 25 double 2 <br> 12 Ivy Leaved 2 <br> 6 Scented 2 <br> Glechoma Hederacea Variegata 2 <br> Heliotropes 10 choicest varieties 2 <br> Ipomcea Noctiflora White Mood Flower 2 <br> Leari Blue 21 <br> ' – Pandurata Hardy Moon Flower <br> Jasminum Grandiflorum 2 <br> Gracillimum 3 <br> 4 <br> Grand Duke 5 <br> ' – Maid of Orleans 5 <br> Justicea Vellutina 3 <br> Lantanas in 6 choice varieties 2 <br> Lemon Verbena 2\ <br> Linum Trigynum 2 <br> Manettia Cordifolia 3 <br> Bicolor 2 <br> Olea Fragrans 3 <br> Ophiopogon Juburum Variegatum 5 <br> Otaheite Orange for this year's fruiting 4 <br> _ 5 <br> 6 <br> Panax Victoria 3 <br> Passiflora Coerulea 2 <br> ' ¢ Constance Elliott 2 <br> Pfordii 2 <br> Aucubsefolia Variegata 3 <br> Peperomia Maculosa 3 <br> Plumbago Capensis blue 2 <br> Alba white 2 <br> Solanum Azureum 2j <br> Jasminoides Grandiflorum ” 2 <br> Stephanotis Floribuuda 3 <br> Vinca Major Variegata 4 <br> per li C <br> 8 GO <br> 5 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 6 CO <br> 4 00 <br> 5 00 <br> 5 00 <br> 8 00 <br> 15 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 12 00 <br> 3 00 <br> 6 CO <br> 8 CO <br> 5 00 <br> 10 00 <br> 15 00 <br> 8 GO <br> 30 00 <br> 6 00 <br> 10 00 <br> 5 00 <br> 6 00 <br> 15 00 <br> 50 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 6 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 15 00 <br> 16 00 <br> 00 <br> CO <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> CO <br> CO <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 25 00 <br> 25 00 <br> S 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 5 00 <br> 4 00 <br> 5 00 <br> 4 GO <br> 15 00 <br> 3 00 <br> 20 00 <br> 30 00 <br> 50 00 <br> 10 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 00 <br> 5 CO <br> 8 00 45213653 161077 84662 Page 38 Text Winter Edition http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/45213653 1899 Dreer Henry A Firm NameFound Abutilon NameConfirmed Abutilon hybrid EOLID 71367 NameFound Acalypha NameConfirmed Acalypha L EOLID 7026660 NameFound Achimenes NameConfirmed Achimenes EOLID 5644979 NameBankID 3408836 NameFound Achyranthus NameFound Acuminata NameConfirmed Acuminata NameBankID 4482225 NameFound Agapanthus NameConfirmed Agapanthus L'Hér EOLID 29538 NameFound Ageratum NameConfirmed Ageratum L EOLID 59467 NameFound Alternanthera NameConfirmed Alternanthera Forssk EOLID 37197 NameFound Alternifolius NameFound Amoena NameConfirmed Amoena NameBankID 3000954 NameFound Anthericum NameConfirmed Anthericum EOLID 11384644 NameBankID 467340 NameFound Aralia NameConfirmed Aralia L EOLID 107749 NameFound Ardisia NameConfirmed Ardisia EOLID 71264 NameBankID 2649325 NameFound Aucubsefolia NameFound Aurea nana NameFound Azureum NameFound Begonia NameConfirmed Begonia aff palmata GBG 002-089-95 EOLID 11904651 NameFound Bicolor NameConfirmed Bicolor NameBankID 5087502 NameFound CAPENSIS NameConfirmed Capensis NameBankID 5129691 NameFound Carex NameConfirmed Carex sect Hirtae Tuck ex Kük EOLID 29129 NameFound Cestrum NameConfirmed Cestrum EOLID 61984 NameBankID 2653581 NameFound Cordifolia NameFound Cuphaea NameConfirmed Cuphaea NameBankID 3466957 NameFound Cyperus NameConfirmed Cyperus EOLID 29130 NameBankID 2576446 NameFound Gardenia NameConfirmed Gardenia Ellis EOLID 29805 NameFound Glabra NameConfirmed Glabra NameBankID 5111621 NameFound Glechoma NameConfirmed Glechoma L EOLID 61046 NameFound Gracillimum NameFound Grandiflorum NameFound Imantophyllum NameConfirmed Imantophyllum NameBankID 4927895 NameFound Jasminoides NameConfirmed Jasminoides NameBankID 3440207 NameFound Jasminum NameConfirmed Jasminum EOLID 61788 NameBankID 2655499 NameFound Juburum NameFound Justicea NameConfirmed Justicea NameBankID 8990201 NameFound Linum NameConfirmed Linum EOLID 11210876 NameBankID 2652543 NameFound Maculosa NameConfirmed Maculosa NameBankID 5332904 NameFound Manettia NameConfirmed Manettia EOLID 29634 NameBankID 3411373 NameFound Ophiopogon NameConfirmed Ophiopogon Ker-Gawl EOLID 30130 NameFound Panax NameConfirmed Panax EOLID 87100 NameBankID 2652717 NameFound Pandurata NameFound Parqui NameConfirmed Parqui NameBankID 3439937 NameFound Passiflora NameConfirmed Passiflora EOLID 38402 NameBankID 2648055 NameFound Peperomia NameConfirmed Peperomia A guadamuz286 EOLID 50439 NameFound Picturatum NameFound Rosea nana NameFound Solanum NameConfirmed Solanum EOLID 11195972 NameBankID 2653514 NameFound Spectabilis NameConfirmed Spectabilis NameBankID 5087236 NameFound Stephanotis NameConfirmed Stephanotis EOLID 5328337 NameBankID 3425133 NameFound Trigynum NameFound Umbellatus NameFound Variegatum NameFound Vellutina NameFound Verbena NameConfirmed Verbena subser Pseudoracemosae N O'Leary EOLID 24001436 NameFound Victoria NameConfirmed Victoria EOLID 34123 NameBankID 897688 NameFound Vittatum Biodiversity Heritage Library Dreer's wholesale price list / Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Dreer Henry A Firm Nurseries Horticulture Nursery stock Pennsylvania Philadelphia Seed industry and trade Seeds Mertz Library The New York Botanical Garden bhl page 45213653 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/45213653 bhlGardenStories Flowers Tropaeolum Phoebe BHLinbloom bulbs plants dreer henry a firm nurseries horticulture mertz library the new york botanical garden bhlgardenstories tropaeolum phoebe bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-11 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16786153125 2015-08-24 21 51 16 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Dreer's wholesale price list Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |