Keywords: Effiat castle Auvergne.jpg PA00092116 Castle of Effiat Auvergne built in 1627 for Antoine Coiffier de RuzĂ© 1581 “1632 Marquis of Effiat and marshal of France His son was the Marquis of Cinq-Mars 1620 “1642 a favorite of King Louis XIII of France who led the last and most nearly successful of the many conspiracies against the king's powerful first minister the Cardinal Richelieu Château d'Effiat Puy-de-DĂ´me Auvergne bâti en 1627 pour Henri Coiffier de RuzĂ© 1581-1632 marquis d'Effiat et marĂ©chal de France Son fils le marquis de Cinq-Mars 1620-1642 fut le favori de Louis XIII Il fut exĂ©cutĂ© pour complot contre le cardinal de Richelieu own 2006 Jastrow Public Domain Château d'Effiat |