Keywords: Enrique Simonet - El Juicio de Paris - 1904.jpg Artwork Q1194202 Creator Enrique Simonet Judgment of Paris an event in Greek mythology Figures from left to right The goddesses Athena Hera and Aphrodite then Aphrodite's son Eros and Paris La pintura muestra el Juicio de Paris un evento en la mitología griega Los personajes de izquierda a derecha son Las diosas Atenea Hera y Afrodita Eros hijo de Afrodita y Paris La peinture montre le Jugement de Paris un événement dans la mythologie grecque Les chiffres de gauche à droite Les déesses Athéna Héra et Aphrodite puis le fils de Aphrodite Eros et Paris Het schilderij toont het arrest van Parijs een evenement in de Griekse mythologie Cijfers van links naar rechts De godinnen Athena Hera en Aphrodite dan is de zoon van Aphrodite Eros en Parijs 1904 oil canvas size cm 215 331 Institution Museo de Málaga LangSwitch Departamento de Pintura Abteilung für Malerei Departamento de Pintura Department of Paintings Departamento de Pintura Departamento de Pintura Département de la Peinture Departamento de Pintura Schilderijenafdeling object history credit line Signed bottom left E Simonet accession number Invno BA/DJ02010 http //www juntadeandalucia es/cultura/WEBDomus/fichaCompleta do ninv BA/DJ02010 http //www flickr com/photos/27906589 N05/5174735290/sizes/l/in/photostream/ Webpage http //farm5 staticflickr com/4086/5174735290_f6bdb07a6d_b jpg Image PD-old-auto 1927 Enrique Simonet Paintings of Judgement of Paris Paintings from Spain 1904 paintings in Spain Paintings in the Museo de Málaga 20th-century paintings in Andalusia Eros in post-antique paintings Group paintings with nude females and clothed males Paintings of nude women standing outdoors Uploaded with UploadWizard Paintings of nude standing females in the 20th century Paintings of nude females with trees Clothed female nude female |