Keywords: Entrée d'une vieille mosquée by Nathaniel de Rothschild 1894.jpg fr Entrée d'une vieille mosquée par le baron Nathaniel de Rothschild 1836-1905 photogravure figurant au catalogue de la première exposition d'Art photographique du Photo-club de Paris de 1894 en Entrance of an old mosque by Baron Nathaniel von Rothschild photoengraving listed in the catalogue of the first exhibition of photographic Art organized by the Photo-club de Paris in 1894 btv1b8458363g/f67 item 1894 2014-11-20 for upload Creator Nathaniel Rothschild Uploaded and restored by JLPC thanks to Pmx for his script PD-US PD-old-100 1905 Photographs by Nathaniel Rothschild Valued images by JLPC Retouches Entrance of an old mosque by Baron N de Rothschild 1894 photoengraving 18 34 27 November 2014 UTC Entrée d'une vieille mosquée by Nathaniel de Rothschild 1894 jpg |