Keywords: EpiAndDerivedQuotients.png This commutative diagram of group homomorphisms shows the map H/H' -> ~H/~H' between derived quotients induced by an epimorphism H -> ~H which possibly arises by restriction from a bigger group The existence is due to the fact that ~H' is the image of H' under this epimophism The horizontal maps are the canonical projections onto the quotients <br/> User DanielConstantinMayer added png-file Epimorphisms and derived quotients en wikipedia 2014-06-15 DanielConstantinMayer talk Uploads DanielConstantinMayer wikipedia en Cc-zero Original upload log en wikipedia EpiAndDerivedQuotients png wikitable - 2014-06-15 10 09 567×785× 24911 bytes DanielConstantinMayer User DanielConstantinMayer added png-file Epimorphisms and derived quotients Uncategorized 2016 May 5 |