Keywords: Escudo Gondor.svg Wappen von Gondor aus J R R Tolkiens Mittelerde Coat of arms from J R R Tolkien's Middle-earth Escudo de Gondor reino de la Tierra Media de J R R Tolkien Blason du Gondor royaume de la Terre du Milieu de J R R Tolkien Stemma di Gondor reame della Terra di Mezzo creata da J R R Tolkien 2009-10-26 22 57 Escudo Gondor png see also http //www forodrim org/gobennas/heraldry/heraldry htm JRRT heraldry Escudo Gondor png VĂ«on Menelion derivative work Luigi Chiesa Bar-en-Alphram svg Bar-en-Duilin svg Bar-en-Galadh svg Bar-en-Lothglor svg Escudo Harad svg Escudo Rohan svg Flag of Gondor svg House of the Mole svg 32 l inkscape-hand s v Middle-earth</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX SVG coats of arms of Middle-earth SVG coats of arms of fictional countries Gondor Trees in heraldry 7 five rays in heraldry |