Keywords: Essays, political, economical, and philosophical - Upper cover and spine (c151g10).jpg Style Frame; Caption Upper cover and spine; Colour Brown; Edge Marbled exhibition history Decorative Technique Tooled in gold; Cover Material Calf Part of the Charles Ramsden Collection of Signed Bindings Signed with printed on white binder's ticket C Meyer 2 Hemmings Row St Martin's Lane Endleaves marbled in the same style as edges Smooth spine tooled in gold C Ramsden London Bookbinders p 106 object history Text 1802; London; Unspecified object type Cc-zero place of creation Binding England place of discovery C Ramsden London Bookbinders p 106 Ramsden C Bookbinders to George III and his immediate descendants and collaterals Library 5th ser 13 1958 British Library image http //www bl uk/catalogues/bookbindings/LargeImage aspx RecordId 020-000010772 ImageId ImageId 44991 Copyright BL Essays political economical and philosophical Uploaded with GWToolset Essays political economical and philosophical - Upper cover and spine c151g10 http //www webarchive org uk/bldatasets/bindings/11692_4 jpg 19th-century bookbinding Bookbinding British Library Bookbindings |