Keywords: Everything for the garden (16205000637).jpg Frosst PETE3R HEMDEIRSOM ® CO MEW YORK <br> 71 <br> erson'silmpqxted Clv lesdale Oats <br> 5 -S Tji 2 - 2 <br> e Si _ il/IA <br> DIRECT FROM US <br> HENDERSON'S IMPORTED <br> Clydesdale Oats <br> THE MOST POPULAR HIGH-GRADE <br> WHITE OAT IN THE UNITED STATES <br> Early and Productive � Free from Disease � Does <br> not Shell Out in Handling � And Weighs <br> 50 Pounds to the Measured Bushel <br> Since we introduced this Grand Oat it has steadily and deservedly <br> gained in popularity until to-day it is the most popular High-Grade <br> White Oat in the United States The climate of America is unsuited <br> to the production and maintenance of the highest grade of Oats and <br> unless a heavy imported British Oat be used for seed purposes at least <br> every second or third year theybecomelight chaffy inferior in quality <br> and unprofitable The ultimate financial benefit accruing to the Amer- <br> ican farmers by the annual distribution of several thousand bushels of <br> Henderson's Clydesdale Oats cannot be overestimated These Oats <br> weigh naturally 30 lbs per measured bushel and they deteriorate in <br> weight only from 3 to 4 lbs each year they are grown here so that <br> the produce is worth for seed purposes at least double the market value <br> � of ordinary Oats No other Oat can show such a record � 75 to 100 <br> bushels per acre and double the usual quantity of straw Another most <br> important advantage of Henderson's Clydesdale Oats to the farmer <br> is the fact that they have been thoroughly cleaned by the latest and <br> most improved machinery and are absolutely free from weed seeds <br> Sow 3 bushels per acre See cut <br> PRICE Imported Clydesdale Oats per peck 0 65 <br> Per Standard bushel of 32 lbs 2 10 <br> 10-bushel lots and upward per bushel 2 00 <br> 100-bushel lots per bushel 1 90 <br> GENUINE ONLY DIRECT FROM HENDERSON'S <br> The Clydesdale Oats are a revelation On 2 acres I raised 160 bushels <br> of the plumpest Oats I ever saw <br> W G KOEPPEN Hillsdale N Y <br> LONG'S <br> WHITE TARTAR OATS <br> THE IDEAL SIDE OAT FOR THE AMERICAN FARMER <br> The earliest heaviest and most prolific domestic-grown Side Oat in cul- <br> tivation It is suitable for all soils; of robust and vigorous constitu- <br> tion is remarkably early and an immense cropper; the straw is long <br> and stout stands up well and does not readily lodge or twist The <br> heads measure from 8 to 10J inches and the kernels are of immense <br> size thick plump and heavy it is undoubtedly the heaviest cropping <br> domestic white Oat ever offered <br> Its extreme earliness great length and strength of straw thick plump <br> grains and the heavy yields it is capable of producing give Long's White <br> Tartar all the necessary qualifications which go to make an ideal Oat <br> Sow 3 bushels per acre <br> PRICE Long's White Tartar Oats per peck 0 50 <br> Per Standard bushel of 32 lbs 1 55 <br> 10-bushel lots and upward per bushel 1 50 <br> 100-bushel lots per bushel 1 45 <br> I wish to call your attention to the Long's White Tartar Oats which <br> 1 bought from you They are very fine Yield 82 bushels 11 lbs per acre <br> R S CLARK Maple Shade Farm Dillsburg Pa <br> EARLY <br> NEWMARKET OATS <br> A grand new breed of English pedigree Oats of wonderfully vigorous <br> growth producing very early a heavy crop of unusually large plump <br> Oats remarkable for their thinness of husk which greatly adds to <br> their feeding value The straw is tall and strong withstanding unfa- <br> vorable weather well and is practically immune from rust For quality <br> earliness vitality and productiveness the Early Newmarket Oat is un- <br> surpassed Sow 3 bushels per acre <br> PRICE Early Newmarket Oats per peck 0 55 <br> Per Standard bushel of 32 lbs 1 60 <br> 10-bushel lots and upward per bushel 1 55 <br> 100-bushel lots per bushel 1 50 <br> � IMPORTED � <br> STORM KING OATS <br> We have pleasure recommending this true White Tartarian or Side Oat It is a <br> heavy cropper; the grain is short plump thin-skinned and of the highest feeding value <br> and the straw as its nameimplies is very strong and stiff enabling it to resist the severest <br> weather The weight of the grain per measured bushel is 46 lbs The past year's <br> experience has fully borne out our good opinion of Storm King Wherever grown <br> the yield of both grain and straw was satisfactory We advise every grower of Oats to <br> try this variety Sow 3 bushels per acre See cut page 74- <br> PRICE Imported Storm King Oats per peck 0 65 <br> Per Standard bushel of 32 lbs 2 10 <br> 10-bushel lots and upward per bushel 2 00 <br> 100-bushel lots per bushel 1 90 <br> The Oats I bought of you made a wonderful showing I planted 20 acres with your <br> seed and 20 acres with the best seed I could buy in Richmond There is absolutely no <br> comparison between the two The field from your Oats is the prettist sight on the farm <br> They have grown higher and faster than anything we have been used to <br> F H NILES Rock Castle Va <br> HENDERSON'S FARMERS' MANUAL An Up-to-Date Catalogue of All Farm Seeds Mailed Free on Request 43874863 149634 78295 Page 71 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874863 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874863 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874863 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16205000637 2015-08-25 02 54 40 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |