Keywords: Fa attraction.svg en based on the data from doi 10 1080/00224490802645302 Physical attraction of 47 male fat admirers FA towards 10 female figures from the given BMI range compared with a control group CG set xlabel female BMI set ylabel attraction set title Big beautiful women the body size preferences of male fat admirers FA vs control group CG Swami Viren; Tovee Martin J 2009 set terminal svg size 800 600 set output fa_attraction svg set style fill transparent solid 0 5 noborder fa 0xAA cg 0xFF plot 'fa dat' using 2 3+ 4 3- 4 lc fa with filledcurve notitle \ 'fa dat' using 2 5+ 6 5- 6 lc cg with filledcurve notitle \ 'fa dat' using 2+0 1 3 4 with yerrorbars title FA lc fa \ 'fa dat' using 2 5 6 with yerrorbars title CG lc cg Created with Gnuplot own Mewtu 2011-02-12 Sexuality diagrams Sexual fetishism |