Keywords: Farquhar's catalogue of seeds 1901 (15963419583).jpg R 5r»/ FARQUHAR CO 'S SEED CATALOGUE <br> FARQUHAR'S COLUMBIAN PRIZB CINERARIA <br> CINERARIA liybrida We were first in popularizing the splendid large-flowering varieties of this useful plant <br> Our strain has become famous throughout the country and specimens raised from our seeds were accorded the <br> highest honors at the World's Columbian Exposition <br> ANNUAL CHRYSANTHEMUM <br> No <br> 2820 <br> 2825 <br> Pkt <br> Farquhar's Columbian Prize The plants are of <br> compact growth carrying large flower-heads of finest <br> form and substance They include the richest and <br> brightest self-colors as well as the most showy and <br> perfectly marked ringed and margined forms of all <br> colors Finest mixed <br> Grandiflora Finest Mixed Splendid strain large <br> flowers of fine form and superb colors <br> 2830 � Nana Plants of dwarf habit with large flowers of <br> fine substance ; desirable for window decoration <br> 2835 James' Prize Seed saved for us by Mr James the <br> famous prize taker at the London exhibitions <br> 2837 Choice Mixture Saved from superb flowers <br> 2840 Double Flowering Embracing all the colors of the <br> single sorts Finest mixed <br> CINERARIA White-Leaved Varieties Dusty <br> Miller Silvery-leaved perennials much used for <br> bedding One to one-and-a-half feet <br> 2850 Maritima Dwarf habit ; silvery leaves Ounce 50 05 <br> 2855 Acanthifolia White finelv-cut leaves 1 25 05 <br> 2860 Candidissima White; fine for edging 50 05 <br> CLARKIA Showy hardy annuals of easy cultivation ; <br> slender and branching in growth with handsome <br> flowers ; desirable for beds and cutting Height one ft <br> 2865 Elegans Double Mixed Shades of rose crimson <br> violet and white Ounce 40 05 <br> 2870 Rose 40 05 <br> 2875 White 40 05 <br> 2880 Pulchella Single mixed Many colors 40 05 <br> 2882 � /larginata Flore Pleno Double rose-colored <br> flowers 'margined with white Ounce 40 05 <br> 2883 � Integripetala Mixed Large showy flowers <br> � Ounce 40 05 <br> 2885 CLEI1ATIS Davidiana Fine hardy perennial <br> with bright blue lowers Three feet 10 <br> 2895 Jackman's Hybrids Splendid large and free- <br> flowering hardy climbers Twenty feet 1§ 42284039 133538 66475 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42284039 1901 10 5962/bhl title 66475 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; R J Farquhar Company NameFound Acanthifolia NameFound Candidissima NameConfirmed Candidissima NameBankID 4102668 NameFound Chrysanthemum NameConfirmed Chrysanthemum EOLID 38388 NameBankID 2657422 NameFound CINERARIA NameConfirmed Cineraria EOLID 6258313 NameBankID 1674869 NameFound CINERARIA NameConfirmed Cineraria EOLID 6258313 NameBankID 4894724 NameFound Clarkia NameConfirmed Clarkia Pursh EOLID 38068 NameFound Davidiana NameFound Elegans NameConfirmed Elegans NameBankID 5116399 NameFound Grandiflora NameFound Integripetala NameFound Maritima NameFound Pulchella NameConfirmed PULCHELLA EOLID 6016096 NameBankID 4937452 Biodiversity Heritage Library Farquhar's catalogue of seeds 1901 plants bulbs fertilizers tools sundries / Garden Stories Bedding plants Boston Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Massachusetts Nurseries Horticulture Nursery stock Perennials R J Farquhar Company Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42284039 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42284039 bhlGardenStories Cineraria Chrysanthemum BHLinbloom nurseries horticulture r j farquhar company u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-19 Cineraria hybrida Petasites hybridus CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15963419583 2015-08-24 02 54 02 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Bedding plants Petasites hybridus Farquhar's catalogue of seeds 1901 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |