Keywords: Fete Champetre (1627) Dirck Hals.jpg Artwork Q17324824 Creator Dirck Hals 1627 Oil on panel cm 77 6 135 7 Institution Rijksmuseum accession number SK-A-1796 object history early other date century 19 Straeter Rheine<br /> ProvenanceEvent 1899-05 purchase LangSwitch vom the le het Rijksmuseum Amsterdam P Driessen-Hooreman Delft Price NLG 6000 credit line D HALS 1627 signature and date bottom center http //www googleartproject com/museums/rijks/the-fete-champetre-14 Google Art Project<br /> SK-A-1796 18115 www geheugenvannederland nl http //www geheugenvannederland nl/ /en/homepage Home http //www geheugenvannederland nl/ /en/items/RIJK01 SK-A-1796 Info http //resources21 kb nl/gvn/RIJK01/RIJK01_M-SK-A-1796-00_X JPG Pic Dirck Hals - De buitenpartij - Google Art Project jpg Version from www googleartproject com Dirck Hals - The Fête Champêtre - WGA11037 jpg Version from www wga hu PD-old-100 LangSwitch Notes Noten <references /> ImageNote 1 400 386 129 112 1397 800 2 299px<br /> File Hals Dirck - Fête champêtre detail women - 1627 jpg<br /> detail ImageNoteEnd 1 Dirck Hals 1627 Merry company paintings 1627 Paintings by Dirck Hals in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Hals Dirck 1620s fashion 1627 paintings Dutch Golden Age paintings of concerts 17th-century greyhounds in art Greyhounds in art with aristocrats 17th-century way of life in painting Paintings of outdoor concerts |