Keywords: Film of soap interference 3 RGB.jpg The separate RGB channels of a color photo of a soap film clearly show the interference fringes for the different wavelength components of the visible spectrum; for shorter wavelengths the fringes of equal thickness of the wedge-shaped film are more closely spaced One can also see the origin of the interference colors in white-light illumination at thicknessess where there is destructive interference for a primary color the film has the complementary color of that wavelength yellow for blue magenta for green and cyan for red Film_of_soap_interference_3 jpg 2010-01-07 00 06 UTC Film_of_soap_interference_3 jpg Patrick Nordmann derivative work Pieter Kuiper <span class signature-talk >talk</span> Showing the contributions from the separate RGB channels Pieter Kuiper Film_of_soap_interference_3 jpg Soap films Complementary colors |