Keywords: Fluvial nymph Mathurin Moreau.jpg Fluvial Nymph by Mathurin Moreau French 1822 “1912 from a fountain on the Place du Théâtre-Français near the Rue de Richelieu in Paris Bronze 1874 Nymphe fluviale par Mathurin Moreau Français 1822-1912 Ă©lĂ©ment d'une fontaine sur la place du Theâtre-Français cĂ´tĂ© rue de Richelieu Bronze 1874 own own picture 2007-03-11 Jastrow <gallery>Image Fluvial nymph Mathurin Moreau n2 jpg</gallery> User Jastrow/CreditsPD DEFAULTSORT Moreau Nymph Mathurin Moreau Fontaine du Théâtre-Français Bronze statues in Paris Statues of nymphs 19th-century statues in Paris 1874 sculptures Statues in Paris 1er arrondissement Statues of standing women in France Fountain statues in France Nude females in sculpture in France |