Keywords: Foot Patrols in Adhamiyah DVIDS48919.jpg en Caledonia Mo native Pfc Dustin Walker 20 a forward observer with 1st Platoon Battery B 2nd Battalion 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment 2nd Brigade Combat Team 82nd Airborne Division provides security during an impromptu vehicle check point on the streets south of the Fish Market of the Rabi neighborhood of Baghdad's Adhamiyah District June 28 The vehicle checkpoints came the day after a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device commonly referred to as a car bomb was detonated in the area killing one Iraqi policeman and wounding another two as well as two Iraqi civillians 2007-06-28 Spc Leith Edgar https //www dvidshub net/image/48919 48919 2007-07-02 18 13 RABI PD-USGov 82nd Airborne Division Images from DoD uploaded by Fæ |