Keywords: Franco-Prussian War - Students Going to Man the Barricades - Illustrated London News Oct 1 1870.jpg en The Franco-Prussian War Defence of Paris-Students Going to Man the Fortifications <br> One of the iconic images of the Franco-Prussian War After the surrender of Napoleon III the French Republic refused the German settlement terms and the war was forced to continue Paris was besieged and people of all walks of life entered into its defence Guerre de 1870 défense de Paris - Étudiants allant garnir les barricades <br> L'une des images les plus iconiques de la guerre de 1870 Après la reddition de Napoléon III la république refusa les termes du traité signé par l'empereur et la guerre a continué Paris assiégée par les Prussiens a été défendue par ses habitants de toutes origines sociales Illustrated London News 1870-10-01 Creator Fred Barnard PD-old-100-1923 This is a highly cleaned up and restored version of http //upload wikimedia org/wikipedia/commons/archive/d/db/20070802183059 21Defence-of-Paris png A lossless version for use in further editing can be found at File Franco-Prussian War - Students Going to Man the Barricades - Illustrated London News Oct 1 1870 png Assessments 1 Franco-Prussian War - Students Going to Man the Barricades - Illustrated London News Oct 1 1870 jpg rotated dust gaps and stitching errors repaired line quality improved by slightly smoothing edges Siege of Paris 1870-1871 Fred Barnard 1870 in Paris 1870 events in France ILN 1870 |