Keywords: Frisiae-edited.jpg Alte Karte von Ostfriesland Old map of East Frisia aulte landkoort vun Oostfreesland mapa antigua de Frisia oriental http //www library ucla edu/yrl/reference/maps/blaeu/frisiae jpg ~ 1600 Ubbo Emmius public domain because of age thumb 150px right OriginalThis is the edited version of the map on the right It has been slightly rotated cropped 10 sharpened with the unsharpen mask level adjusted color corrected with the channel mixer and hue/saturation saved with 50 quality Note The colors may be adjusted again in the future I did it on a TFT A 500dpi TIFF version can be ordered here http //www library ucla edu/yrl/reference/maps/blaeu/germania htm http //www library ucla edu/yrl/reference/maps/blaeu/germania htm PD-old Maps of East Frisia Old_maps_of_Lower_Saxony Maps by Ubbo Emmius Coats of arms on maps Coats of arms of Cirksena family Coats of arms of Ferdinand III Holy Roman Emperor |