MAKE A MEME View Large Image Giorgio Vasari - Lorenzo the Magnificent receives the tribute of the ambassadors - Google Art Project.jpg fresco 1511 Arezzo 1511 1574 Firenze 1574 Giorgio Male 27413413 Vasari Italian 1511 - 1574 /collection/palazzo-vecchio-museum/artwork/...
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Keywords: Giorgio Vasari - Lorenzo the Magnificent receives the tribute of the ambassadors - Google Art Project.jpg fresco 1511 Arezzo 1511 1574 Firenze 1574 Giorgio Male 27413413 Vasari Italian 1511 - 1574 /collection/palazzo-vecchio-museum/artwork/lorenzo-the-magnificent-receives-the-tribute-of-the-ambassadors-giorgio-vasari/27463035/ 50 Giorgio Vasari painter /artist/giorgio-vasari/4130254/ 4130254 /collection/palazzo-vecchio-museum/ Palazzo Vecchio Museum 27389510 http //www museicivicifiorentini it/en/palazzovecchio /collection/palazzo-vecchio-museum/artwork/lorenzo-the-magnificent-receives-the-tribute-of-the-ambassadors-giorgio-vasari/27463035/ 1556 Mannerism historical subject 345 27463035 False 1558 /collection/palazzo-vecchio-museum/level/first-floor/27452401/ First floor Complete s2011_200 Comune di Firenze painting 1550 1560 w280 x h345 cm 1556 - 1558 False 0 75 Comune di Firenze Object /collection/palazzo-vecchio-museum/level/first-floor/27452401/lorenzo-the-magnificents-room/27413447/ Lorenzo the Magnificent's Room lorenzo-the-magnificent-receives-the-tribute-of-the-ambassadors-giorgio-vasari Lorenzo the Magnificent receives the tribute of the ambassadors l 280 Mannerism historical subject special url_id UAGz6g3zMJDlQA PD-old-100-1923 1574 Paintings by Giorgio Vasari Google Art Project works by Giorgio Vasari Palazzo Vecchio - Sala di Lorenzo Medici Giraffe Lorenzo de' Medici
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