Keywords: Giovanni Battista Falda, View of Villa Medici at Rome.jpg Villa Medici and its garden in Rome original title Prospettiva del giardino del Serenis simo Gran Duca di Toscana sul Monte Pincio engraving by Giovanni Battista Falda Villa Medici und ihres Gartens in Rom Bildunterschrift Prospettiva del giardino del Serenis simo Gran Duca di Toscana sul Monte Pincio Kupferstich von Giovanni Battista Falda Scanned by Aristeas from the reproduction of Falda ™s engraving in Heinrich Wölfflin Renaissance und Barock 2nd ed München Munich 1907 p 107 Creator Giovanni Battista Falda century 17 Improved contrast Aristeas PD-old-100 Giovanni Battista Falda Villa Medici Rome - Gardens 1670 Cityscapes of Rome 1670 17th-century engravings Gardens in art Rome in the 17th century |