Keywords: Gold band with impressed decoration (chest ornament) - Google Art Project.jpg commons date century 8 BC commons medium commons dimensions commons institution Institution Museum of Cycladic Art commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title Gold band with impressed decoration chest ornament core creator author core date dateCreated -0800/-0701 core format mm 132 46 core type band core rights en http //www cycladic gr/frontoffice/portal asp cpage NODE cnode 25 clang 1 core relation http //www cycladic gr/frontoffice/portal asp cpage RESOURCE cresrc 1066 cnode 46 clang 1 core format medium gold c-086f0149 customtext culture Greek c-086f0149 location provenance Skyros Greece c-086f0149 customtext read_more en <a href http //www cycladic gr/frontoffice/portal asp cpage resource cresrc 1324 cnode 55 clang 1 >Read more</a> c-086f0149 customtext period Geometric period google display_date -0800/-0701 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google partner/id 00000000086f0149 google picasa_token QAUBA9UvLMUofAy9Pl4PSNXBM-0 special url_id vgHj0ifyzrw_xA google partner/name Museum of Cycladic Art special partner/name_no_lang Museum of Cycladic Art PD-old-100-1923 Google Art Project works by unknown artist Skyros Archaeological gold objects |